The Southwest Oregon Climber’s Coalition (SWOCC) was established in 2015 as a nationally registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our purpose is simple:
Advocating for rock climbing opportunities for all persons through stewardship of the climbing environment in Southwest Oregon.
We work toward this goal by preserving the essential qualities of our climbing environment through education and mentorship of the climbing community, encouraging safe climbing practices and minimal impact ideals. By promoting the use of safe bolting techniques and climbing equipment based on best practices, science-based, and peer-reviewed information we encourage climbers to be responsible recreationists while attempting to provide an extra level of oversight for the safety of our community. Supporting cooperation among landowners, both public and private, governmental agencies, and other regional groups allows us to advocate for climbing access in our region and provide guidance where needed.
We cannot do this effectively without all of our members, so thank you!
Become a SWOCC member today!